
Marvel Champions Hero Kit Theming, Issue #1: Black Panther

In this new series, I'll be going through each hero in Marvel Champions to comment on the theming in their signature set of hero cards. I'll assess each of the different cards in the hero's kit and then give a rating on how well that card represents the character and their abilities. Finally, I'll give an overall theme rating for the hero. The ratings range from A-F. I'm not using an S-rating because that's typically used in power ratings. This list is simply commenting on the theme of the card. Additionally, the effectiveness of a card in play is not inherently related to how well it is themed, though there may be exceptions to this. This isn't meant as a strategy guide, but maybe it will help you enjoy the theming around these heroes more than you did before.


Marvel Champions Top 10, Issue #9: Hardest Villains

evel in villains. However before I join the complaints on social media towards this, I think its important to remember how insanely powerful the two heroes that arrived beforehand, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, are. Its a balancing act of increasingly great heroes matched up against ever stronger villains that will keep the game alive and going moving forwards.


Marvel Champions Top 10, Issue #8: Hero Cards from Galaxy’s Most Wanted

With so many of us now enjoying the Galaxy’s Most Wanted box, it is becoming clearer which cards are the ones you want to see in your hand when The Collector is bearing down on you. Having played through the campaign with both characters, I can honestly say I love both of their designs, either tinkering and charging with weapons in the midst of a crisis with Rocket (does anyone have any tape?) or growing at a gargantuan rate as the lovable Groot. I try to remind myself that I shouldn’t be bench marking their overall power levels against the likes of Quicksilver and Doctor Strange and just enjoying the ride and what their cards bring to the game.