
What I’m Doing While I Wait For Lorcana

As sad as it is, we aren’t going to be able to play and collect Disney Lorcana for nearly a year. We have to twiddle our thumbs and find other things to keep us busy while we wait for the game we earn to play and get out hands on. I’ve been doing a lot of things lately to keep myself busy and I’m here to talk about them and I hope you can find enjoyment in them as much as I do!


Lorcana Release Schedule Potentially Revealed

Just a quick article here. A question we have all had on our minds since the announcement of Lorcana is when will it be released? When announced, the developers gave the completely ambiguous answer of Fall 2023. Now we potentially have an answer! At the Lucca Comics and Games convention happening this weekend, Ravensbuger employee… Continue reading Lorcana Release Schedule Potentially Revealed


A Magical View of Lorcana

The bright light of Magic the Gathering was shone on Lorcana this past week thanks to the Professor of Tolarian College (the biggest magic YouTuber) weighing in with his thoughts about the future of our game. And while he created amazing one-liners like “Disney Lorcana is more likely to fizzle than sizzle in the TCG scene.”, it did make me wonder what the average Magic player thought about Lorcana.